Yes I remember Britpop. At least I think I do
The mega pop world took a brief second fiddle
To Gallagher’s eyebrows that met in the middle
When tabloids found indie kids strangely exciting
Turned on by the boozing and using and fighting
Kids and guitars, kids and guitars
Girls drinking pints spilling out of the bars
And Cuban-heeled men freaking out in their glad-rags
And beerisom glad-lads all reading in lads-mags
Of singers, comedians and artists with attitude
Models and pluggers with rock n roll platitudes
Toasting the union jack and its health
Whilst popular music was eating its self
And Napster not even a ping on the screen
Of the rampant PR that was driving the scene
From the huge record labels consuming the world.
Oasis v blur like a panto unfurled
Kids and guitars, kids and guitars
So long ago could it really be true?
Pumas, pints glasses and fracas and farces
And always a cue for the loo
I remember a pub in Camden town
I remember the carpet in Tufnell Park
I remember a party in Chorlton Cum-Hardy
A Glastonbury gig in the midsummer dark
It’s all coming back
It’s all coming back
It was so long ago could it really be true?
Yes I remember Britpop so well
At least I think I do